

In Argentina, for breakfast we have coffee with medialunas or toast. Most restaurants offer a ‘desayuna special’ which turns out to be less money. Many times the ‘special’ also comes with fresh orange juice.

They also have facturas, these are almost like a coffee cake or pastry/streusel category but totally different. They are many times covered with a frosting or nut. They also can come with a fruit topping, apple or strawberry. My favorites are the ones with a custard cream filling.

These are not like donuts or pastries because these are all breads, sweet breads.

You can find medialunas that are not that sweet but you also find some that are glazed with sugar. I like my medialunas heated in the oven or you can have them at room temperature. They are like croissants.

The items that I took pictures of above are from my favorite place Bell Aria.

There are several locations.

The website does work but won't LINK.....just paste and copy for locations.


  1. Medialunas!!!there's nothing like them.thanks for the post.

  2. TORTURE!!!! I wish I could find facturas in my area of the US...especially vigilantes!
