

I have been in Buenos Aires for 211 days. When I started this BLOG, I visualized myself writing everyday always discovering new things, with a neat little photo to go along with my neat little experience.

I am not going to stop this BLOG but it isn’t going to be exactly how I had originally planned. For the next month, I am going to share mundane and possibly monotonous experiences. There were only two pieces of advice given to me when I started writing this.

1. Don’t live your life because of your BLOG
2. Don’t write for others, write for yourself.

I have been writing since I was a little girl, around 10 years old. I have often heard of this BLOG business as being referred to as an electronic journal. Or people say, “it’s just for your memories, what a great way to preserve your experiences!”

Oh, yeah, it’s only for you, right, no one else? So, what happens if people read what you write and they maybe, I don’t know, like it? Or hate it for that matter. What happens when you have people who comment or read these ‘fantastic experiences!!’ Then what?

I will never forget my creative writing class with Mrs. Buczinsky in high school. We sent in our poetry to magazines to see if we could it get published. We talked about our audience and we thought about our stories. I understand the creative process. I love writing. It’s very natural for me. But truthfully, my life creatively has always been a battle with light and dark. When I attempt to use my creative forces, I feel the light in me and I feel whole.
For me, the dark comes from me criticizing or analyzing my work. I lose inspiration very easily with all my mediums that I have ventured into. I lose concentration and focus very quickly.

I used to take pictures, some would still call me a photographer but I don’t feel this anymore. When I was in my early 20’s I put together 3 separate shows featuring local artist artists of different mediums. The night of my first opening to my first show, I vomited. I literally excused myself, went to the bathroom, threw up and came out ready to go.

I have always had issues creatively and I am losing a huge part of myself because of it. I don't want to fight my battle in myself anymore between light and dark.

I am going to put my best foot forward on overcoming my blocks. This one, the classic, Writers Block.
It is an experiment starting today, day 211. I am going to write everyday for the next 30 days. It may be boring (for the reader) but I am doing it for me only. I need to get my creative juices flowing again.