
Things about me!

Life is a journey. Each person is given a different one but it isn’t that simple. Then it’s what that person does with each journey. Are they positive? Are the negative? Do they criticize others or themselves? What world were they born into? What land? What kind of family?

After the dice has been rolled and you are given your journey with your mind and your actions, then it’s how you see life. It’s your experience. Your opinions. Your journey.

My journey has been interesting. I am always thinking. I am always gathering data. My mind is like a sky with stars and the stars are ideas. Sometimes it’s hard for me to organize them.

Things about me.

I am lucky.
I am grateful.
I am open.
I am happy.
I am loving.
I am intrigued.
I am very curious.
I am questioning.
I am serious.
I am silly.
I am hungry.

Join me on my experience. Please help guide me in my journey. I welcome your opinion, even if it is negative. But please help me to learn more about Argentina rather then criticize. Thank you for reading.

***I am getting close to my first POST in Spanish!!


  1. It's interesting to read about your "adventures" in Buenos Aires. I've got to know my city right after I travelled abroad and found out about the good and bad things about this city and country. From a distance things look different. Looking foward to you first post in Spanish! Enjoy your time among us, porteños! :)

  2. I really like your blog. I work in the tourism industry here in Argentina and i'm always intrigued about what foreign people think or feel about my city and country.
    Keep up the good work!

  3. and you are awesome! Molly you really inspire me with your courage, your convictions, your fearlessness, and your honesty. I can't wait to learn more from your blog and your experiences so I can follow in your footsteps in starting my life here in this beautiful continent!

  4. I want to add
    you are fun
    you are creative
    you are inspiring
    you are missed!

  5. Thank you everyone! What an honor it is to have a place that I can experience my life with many people from all over the world.

    Your reading and encouragements heighten my drive to get out there and explore!

    With gratitude.

  6. Don't forget that you are "an artist" - because you are and always have been! xoxo

  7. Hello, I've been reading your blog for quite a while. I've read all of your posts. Really like an "foreign" opinion on my country. It's good to have an objective viewpoint of certain aspects of our culture. I'm from Argentina. Here's my mail if you need some help with something while you are in town: gonchu.b@hotmail.com or gonchu.b@gmail.com contact me! I love the results of exchanging cultures.

  8. Molly, as an Argentinean living abroad and coming back from time to time to my homeland... I think you are doing an amazing job!!

    It is so easy to criticize when comparing what we have known all our lives and something that has lost the sparkle of new and starts to show other colors we haven't seen before. And is great you are aware of that to be able to appreciate your experience in full mode.
    I think Argentina and Buenos Aires in particular are full of excitement and adventure... make the most of it while you continue with this wonderful journey you are letting us see through your eyes... I am enjoying it and I thank you for that!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Awww.....shucks! Thanks again.xoxo
